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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Two Steps Back

Yesterday I posted an article called “One Step Forward,” which related the “adventures” my sister, Jane, and I have been sharing this holiday season. I closed with a reminder that we are called to be content in whatever state in which the Lord places us.

Famous last words.

First, I’d like to correct the record. In rereading yesterday’s piece, it appears I leave the impression I’m actively ill. In truth, this post was started a few weeks ago when that was the case; at present, happily, I am largely asymptomatic. I have also secured an appointment with a specialist in the relatively near future, so hopefully, answers await.

That being the case, yours truly was really pretty upbeat while finalizing said article. The points therein were mainly meant to encourage others to count blessings when things get tough, and to accept bumps in the road as part of the human condition, to which our Savior humbly subjected Himself when He entered this world as an infant.

Again, famous last words.

No sooner did I click “publish” on “One Step Forward” than the proverbial other shoe dropped. Jane and I received word that several of our family members, with whom we shared holiday festivities, have tested positive for COVID. We, of course, are quarantining, popping zinc prophylactically, and generally trying to remain positive. Between praying for our loved ones and offering whatever assistance we can, Jane and I tenaciously cling to hope that next week she will be able to fly home as planned and I can return to work following winter break.

Those are our plans. There is every possibility the God of the universe has something entirely different in mind.

                "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'" ~ Isaiah 55:8-9 

Folks, I really do think our great God has a solid sense of humor. More to the point, as my dear friend and Bible mentor taught me years ago, He operates the way any sound instructor does – after imparting a lesson, He administers some sort of exam to drive the learning home.

Beloved readers, I very much want to learn whatever my Lord wants to teach me, and I aim to learn it the easiest way possible.

Apparently, hanging around the house, catching up on reading and writing, spending phone time with friends, and just generally laying low is what the Lord has planned for me this week.

Who am I to question what He ordains? And why would I even want to? Did I mean any of the things I wrote about yesterday?

If so, the wisest course of action for this writer would be to lean into the quietness and stillness of quarantine, and lean even harder into the One who has orchestrated these circumstances.

“Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10 

Update 12/30/21: My sister and I caught sight of two cardinals - a male/female pair in all their respective splendor - outside our window the other day. There's every chance we would have missed this glorious sight, had we not been quarantining. Our great God always knows what's best.

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