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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Keeping My Side of the Street Clean Part 2

Today I have great reason to rejoice. I had a major falling out with a dear friend and confidante this past weekend. There were tears and harsh words aplenty, and I truly feared our relationship might never recover.
It's a terrifying feeling to see a structure which has been years in the making topple and almost fall to the ground, threatening to crash into a million pieces. Despite my efforts (inadequate at best and destructive at worst), rescue seemed hopeless. I had forced a confrontation at an inopportune time, and proceeded to shred that which was already in tatters. I despaired of being able to resurrect that which had, in less than 24 hours, gone from bad to worse to all-out code red.

Surely only a divine hand could prevent irretrievable disaster.

When all seemed lost, Providence pierced both our hearts, replacing the arrows of wounded pride and misunderstanding with Spirit-crafted sutures of compassion and forgiveness.

There's nothing for me to do but fall at His feet and marvel. The same mercy that promised Paradise 2,000 years ago to a criminal hanging on a cross beside Divinity stands ready to intervene daily in the mixed up world of a 21st century sinner named Thea.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...

For more like this, check out: Morsels for Meditation...: Keeping My Side of the Street Clean

Morsels for Meditation...: Keeping My Side of the Street Clean Part 3

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