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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Someday My Prince Will Come ... and He Just May Be a Princess

Don't panic. I'm not about to rescind my pro-family, one-man one-woman marriage views in one keystroke. But now that I have your attention...

I heard the other day the statement that women are often waiting for Prince Charming, the White Knight, the Knight in Shining Armor - whatever you want to call it - to rescue and/or take care of them. The speaker made the point that this is an unrealistic and unattainable goal. As she spoke, I realized I used to hold the belief that once I was married, all my needs, both material and emotional (not necessarily in that order) would be met forevermore. I can remember praying that God would protect my husband so he could continue to protect me.    

As with any idol, once this one was yanked away from me (and after I finished  kicking and screaming), I found that God had every intention of meeting my needs in His own time and by His own means. In this case, the means was loving parents, siblings and friends ... and, after He had strengthened my shattered ego, myself.

Don't get me wrong. I don't consider myself a feminist as such. I taught my sons to hold doors open for women and carry packages for their mother. I think it makes sense for a body that's physiologically stronger, and often taller, to do the heavier lifting and reaching whenever possible. Likewise, I wouldn't expect a six-foot-four linebacker to crawl through an air vent to rescue a cat. I believe in following natural laws as God laid them out, and some things that are considered outdated in our post-modern society are, in my mind, just common sense.

But what I have learned, in all humility, is that the mind and resources God has gifted me with can make me a princess to be reckoned with.

Oh, and by the way, this princess (and for that matter, every prince) is beholden to a King!

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." ~ Psalm 139:14

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